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Analysis: The Pandemic Uncovered Ways to Speed Up Science

The pandemic highlighted broad problems in research: that many studies were hyped, error-ridden, or even fraudulent, and that misinformation could spread rapidly. But it also demonstrated what was possible.

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White House steps efforts to boost new bivalent COVID-19 shots

Biden administration amps up efforts to boost new COVID-19 shots | The Hill

President Biden on Tuesday will announce a series of new efforts to boost the administration of the bivalent COVID-19 booster shots, including partnerships with several major companies and pharmacy chains.


Medicare will also be sending out email reminders to about 16 million people in the next week informing them of how they can get the updated booster.


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American Senior Citizens are Showing a Declining Interest in Covid Boosters

Among Seniors, a Declining Interest in Boosters - The New York Times (


Although Americans over 65 remain the demographic most likely to have received the original series of vaccinations, at 92 percent, their interest in keeping their vaccinations up-to-date is steadily declining, data from the C.D.C. shows. To date, about 71 percent have received the first recommended booster, but only about 44 percent have received the second.

Younger people have also been less likely to receive boosters than the original vaccinations, and only about one-third of people of all ages have received any booster, The New York Times vaccine tracker indicates. But seniors, who constitute 16 percent of the population, are more vulnerable to the virus’s effects, accounting for three-quarters of the nation’s 1.1 million deaths.

“From the beginning, older people have felt the virus was more of a threat to their safety and health and have been among the earliest adopters of the vaccine and the first round of boosters,” said Mollyann Brodie, the executive director of public opinion at Kaiser Family Foundation, which has been tracking vaccination rates and attitudes.

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